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One place,

all your imap resources

15 min
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Last update: October '18
To make the platform move, it needs to be fed with data. This process has been simplified to make it easy and at the same time useful for you, giving you detailed information about your historical decisions.
In the data module, as in every module of IMAP, the Sections bar is divided into two parts.
  • At the top you can see (from left to right): the IMAP logo, the description of the goal that you are following, the four main modules of the platform (Plan, Data, Explore, and Insights), a button to save and close IMAP, and the setup module.
  • In the bottom you can see the different sections inside the data module. The sections are organized in groups divided by a circle symbol (●). Each group can have different elements divided by a vertical line (|).
In this way, in the image below it can be seen two groups, the first one formed by "Shares" and "Movements", and the second one the formed by "Variable Funds" and "Movements". At the same time, each of these groups have two elements, for the first group "Shares" and "Movements", and for the second group "Variable Funds" and "Movements". The current section open it is showed with a black text and underlined, in the image below, it would be selected the element "Variable Funds".
The data module has a specific setup section that you can access by clicking on the three-dot button that you will find on the right side of the section bar.
The objective of this section is not only to setup specific parameters of the data module, but also to control that the information input in IMAP accomplish a basic quality standards to allow the system show accurate information, providing you an alert system. If any of these alerts light is red, you must address it.
To know more about how the setup module works please check the FiIling the setup module guide.
As in the other modules of IMAP, the tools bar contains three groups divided by a dotted line.
The first group contains tools to that affect to how the platform is visually shown.
This option is common to all the moduls and sections, and it allows to show the platform in a full-screen mode.
The second group contains tools to operate with. Some are common to all the modules and some are specific to the sections.
bring track data.png
Update the data, including dashboards, graphics and other visualizations of the platform.
Export the data, to generate a file with information to be used for another operations, as for example to get advanced insights.
Split shares, to change the proportion and amount of the shares, based on the company directions.
Bring tracing data, in the Tracing section of the data module, to automatically fill the table with the current data.
Finally, the third group contains tools to allow users navigate fast among the linked options of the current section.
Access to the related section of the platform in the Plan module.
Access to the related section of the platform in the Explore module.
Access to the related section of the platform in the Insights module.
The working area of the any section in the data module is occupied by a table, represented by one header (top line with black background); several columns representing the different type of data to be input; and rows, where the data records will be input.
The type of data that you will need to input here will depend on the section, but most of the times will be numbers and closed-end lists values.
On the top-right side of the data table, you can see four icons representing the available operations over it.
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record delete.jpg
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record first.jpg
Create a new empty record to the table (added at the bottom of the table).
Delete an existing record of the table (exactly the row where the cursor is located in, and without prompting).
Move the cursor to the first record of the table (to the column where the cursor is located).
Move the cursor to the last record of the table (to the column where the cursor is located).
This functionality allows you to navigate fast through the data showing you specific data rows.
On the top-left side of the table, you will find the preset filters, separated by a vertical line (|). Each filter has different options depending on the data table you are. You can only select one option at the same time for each filter.
To illustrate its operation we will see an example, in the shares movements section, where you can see two different filters.
  • Dead/Alive filter. On the left side of the upper image you can see "Alive" and "All" options. If you select the option "Alive", it will show you only those records that are active. If you select "All", it will show you all the historical records, including those that are not active. 
In the previous example, "alive" records are those records that you have currently active in your portfolio. To make it clearer, when you completely sell all the titles of a share, this share and its related movements (i.e. dividends) became "dead", or not alive. A "dead" record is shown painted with blue color.
  • Type of Movement filter. On the right side of the upper image you can see "Input", "Output", "Dividends", and "All" options. Following the same mechanisms that in the previous filter, if you select "Input", it will show you only those records whose type is input. If you select "All", it will show you all the historical records. 
Input movements are those records that increase the amount of titles of any product (i.e. shares variable funds...), identified with the values "buy", "script", and "transfer-in" in the Type field. Output movements are those records that decrease the amount of titles of any product, identified with the values "sell" and "transfer-out" in the Type field. Dividends are those records that reflect a payment from any product, identified with the values "dividend", "script", and "rights" in the Type field.
Despite the platform gives you the freedom to input data whenever you want, the best practice to do it is planning a day every three, four, or six months, and make this day a "Review Day", spending time updating the data, monitoring the progress, commenting it with your partner if any, and making the necessary decisions. This approach will help you to be disciplined and to control your emotions. 
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