After having thought about our own personal circumstances, we will now think in those external factors that are not totally under our control and that can affect in some point to our journey and to the progress of our #imapGoal.
We need to agree that there are a lot of things happening around us, and they are constantly changing, we want it or not. Identifying them previously and acknowledging the importance and the need that they have for us, will give us a valuable information to make more confident decisions in our journey.

So, we basically need to think in two types of external factors for our #imapGoal: income and expenses.
In one side, we will identify our sources of income and think in the importance that they have for us, in terms of how much money we get and what we use that money for. Then, we can think in the probability that this money that we are currently getting increases or decreases in the coming year. Once we have finished this process, we will have a very good idea of how strong our income is.
In the other side, we will focus on our expenses, identifying them and thinking in how much we need them (for example is not the same what you expend for health than what you use for entertainment). Then, we will estimate which expenses we would be able to reduce the coming year, and which ones are likely to increase. From this process, we will have very useful information about how heavy are our expenses, useful as well to calculate our safety net.
In the #imap philosophy, one of the important aspects to follow is to carry a sound financial lifestyle, like avoiding debt or recognizing you need to save a significant portion of income every month. This is also an important part of your context.
In #imap all this information is used to get personalized information to control the risks and to track the progress of our goal.
Next, you can learn how to use the information that you just found in this post to know a bit more about your readiness to start your goal.