We already know a bit about the tools that we have available to reach our #imapGoal: shares, bonds and funds.
Before selecting specifically the ones that we will buy for our journey, we have to focus on those that fit to our profile and our interests, and that are simple enough and easy to understand, easing tracing a plan and finding and selecting fitted products for our journey.

First, we have to decide if we want to buy individual shares and/or bonds. If we want to do it, we have first to understand them and also know how to pick both shares and bonds. If we decide not to use them, we will be taking only funds in our journey.
Another factor that we can consider, if we have chosen to buy individual shares and/or bonds, is that if we want to focus in shares and bonds from our own country, as we may take a little more of advantge in terms of related information available and be awareness of its real value.
The next decision we need to make is if we want to use funds. We think this should be your main tool for your journey, especially the index funds, because of cost-efficiency and diversification.
Investing in real state has always been considered a good investment, and using the REITS vehicles is one of the best ways to do it, provide greater diversification, potentially higher total returns, and/or lower overall risk.
Some funds have started including in its strategies a social component, considered socially responsible due to the nature of the business the company conducts.
Finally, gold it has been always considered an interesting tool to protect and diversify your portfolio, so it may be interesting for some of us to add it in some moments of our journey.
Those are the main decisions you should made before buying any product.
In the other side, we have to forget about those tools that are too complex to understand, that are made for speculation, new products that have become very popular but that they don’t fit to our philosophy, those that we don’t understand but our friend or our workmate recommed us, and in general anything that is not simple and easy to understand for us.
In #imap we can use this information to get personalized information about which investments we could include in our journey.